Each morning for over a month now I have been getting out of bed when I very first wake up to write my Morning Pages. If you're not familiar with Morning Pages, they are 3 pages of writing that is done first thing in the morning while your thoughts are still quiet. It's during this quiet time that words flow on the page reflecting what wants to be known to you. I love writing Morning Pages. I'm sure you're familiar with the question, "What makes you jump out of bed in the morning?" For me it's Morning Pages. Now when I wake up, I no longer lie in bed letting my mind conjure up all sorts of thoughts that leave me exhausted even before my morning tea. Instead I know I have a short period of pristine time to get up and put pen to paper. The words that flow are amazing. Not every morning results in words that are pleasant and welcoming. Some mornings there are things that just need to be written, no matter how snarky. But that's the beauty of Morning Pages. I just write and the words show up on the page and always it seems as though some bit of truth has flowed out of me and onto the page, a truth that I didn't even know I was holding.
"Morning Pages provoke, clarify, comfort, cajole, prioritize and synchronize the day at hand." Julia Cameron The process of Morning Pages comes from Julia Cameron. Her book The Artist's Way offers a 12 week study that taps into your creative self, but so far I've found just doing the Morning Pages to be enough. There are 3 steps to the Morning Pages. Step One is to write down your dreams from that night; Step Two is to write out ten things that you're grateful for from the day before; and, Step Three is to write three pages. You simply start writing and if nothing shows up then you write "nothing is showing up" until something does. And you stop at 3 pages. I love the notion of writing out ten things that I'm grateful for from the day before. Sometimes it seems like 3 is all I can come up with and it can be a struggle to find 10, but there are always 10 - what more beautiful way is there to start the day? Morning Pages is a wonderful practice and I encourage you to give them a try. For more information about Morning Pages, go to Julia Cameron's website here where she explains the process in her videos. If you're interested in talking with me to find out more about Morning Pages, drop me an email or give me a phone call 603-305-7045 and let's get you started!
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January 2025