Not too long ago I forwarded an article to a friend. I didn't know how she would react to it since I sensed the information might be outside her comfort zone. I sent it to her anyway because I felt by not sending it I would be holding onto valuable information that she could find useful. I explained all of this in the email I attached the article to. Her response back to me was, "I'll explore this."
I loved this response and it has stayed with me over these few weeks. To be honest, I'm not exactly sure what she meant, but I know for me it meant something very exciting. "I'll explore this" to me meant "I'll become an explorer - I'll be someone who steps outside my comfort zone to see what lies ahead." An explorer doesn't say "no." They say, "let me think about this, let me evaluate." They don't just jump into a situation, they dip a toe in. Cautiously curious. They are willing to accept that they don't know everything. They are willing to acknowledge there may be things beyond their immediate awareness, things that can help open them up to other ways of seeing a situation that could be a tremendous benefit. Explorers don't jump into a situation half-cocked. There are other terms for those people. Explorers use information they have learned, they use their wisdom, intuition and they create a plan. There's no pressure. An explorer is free to check out the territory before committing. Being an explorer says to me that we are willing to challenge our beliefs. What works and what no longer serves? Asking questions that require curiosity and openness, being willing to be wrong or recognize when a course correction is needed in order to grow and evolve as a human being. But I think the part I like the most is, an explorer believes in synchronicity and trusts that they are being guided. Are you an explorer? I think we all are to some extent. Can you be an explorer of your own self? Can you be curious about how you live your life? If we each explore our own lives, our own beliefs, I know we would learn some pretty interesting things about ourselves. For starters, I think we would learn how powerful we each are regarding our health and wellbeing. I like this way of approaching life. Being curious. Trying something new. Exploring. Are you an explorer? What is your definition of an explorer and how are you an explorer of your life? In love and light, Deborah
January 2025