Are you someone who finds it simply impossible to drink enough water each day? You know you should drink more than you do, but the thought of drinking plain old water is extremely unappealing so instead you drink coffee, black tea, or chemically flavored water. In my opinion, these don't offer the same benefits as plain water, especially a drink filled with chemicals and sugar.
Our bodies are 60% water and our brain is 70% water. As the graphic in this link illustrates, water serves a large number of functions in the body. But how much water is "enough?" While some literature says that we should drink 64 ounces each day, other sources say we should take our weight in pounds, divide it in half, and substitute ounces for pounds. So, a 160 pound person would be advised to drink 80 ounces of water (160 / 2 = 80) daily while a 110 pound individual would drink 55 ounces. Other sources tell us to drink enough water so that our urine is light yellow or clear. My take away from this is that there is no actual consensus on how much water our bodies need in a day. Everyone is different. But at the same time, it's also clear that water is extremely important to the body and the only way we're going to get it into our body is by drinking it. So the question is, how do we make drinking adequate amounts water a regular part of our day? I've been inspired by Dr. Emoto's images of ice crystals and his experiments that demonstrate the impact of words on water. If water (including the water in our bodies) can be infused with an energy simply by exposing it to a word either spoken or oral, then what would happen if you were to label your water bottle, glass, or pitcher with the word LOVE, GRATITUDE, or RELAX? Simply use a sharpie (your choice of color!) to write the word or words onto glass. This is one way to fill yourself with positive, loving energy while giving your body the liquid it needs to function properly. It might even entice you to drink more water on a regular basis. Say good-bye to chemical and caffeinated drinks and hello to LOVE! Just thinking about filling my body with LOVE-infused water, brings a smile to my face and turns drinking the water my body needs into a delightful experience. How about you? Are you inclined to drink more water if it's infused with love? I'd love to hear your thoughts! Blessings, Deborah
January 2025