When you eat, do you bring all of yourself to your meal?
Or, do you think eating takes up time that is already in short supply so you eat at your computer or in your car while en route to somewhere? Perhaps you forget to eat entirely and only stop momentarily to grab a little something when you can no longer ignore the hunger pangs. We all have a relationship with food and by looking at what kind of eater you are you can gain insight as to what kind of relationship you have. Why is this important? Because your relationship with food can tell you about your relationship with life. Cool right? If you believe eating takes up valuable time, do you also believe there's not enough time in a day? Do you multi-task throughout the day taking yourself out of the present moment and straight into stress? If you forget to eat or don't find it important, are you also living your life on autopilot versus being a partner in it? Food is life affirming. Each time you take a bite of food, you are choosing life. So the question becomes, what kind of life do you want? A kind that you are present to or one that is stressful and lived on autopilot? As I've mentioned many times, we always have choices. Here are a few things you can do if you choose to have a nourishing relationship with food:
Creating awareness around your relationship with food helps create an awareness of your relationship with life. What kind of relationship would you like to have? In love and light, Deborah
January 2025