Our world is changing and we need to steer the ship in the direction that will best serve us.
This is a comment I wrote on a friend's Facebook page recently. She had posted that basically she was going to start focusing on the positive things that people are doing to make this world a better place. I applaud that. Actually, I give it a standing ovation. We've all heard that our thoughts, words, actions, and intentions create our reality. I believe this with every beat of my heart. I believe that we tell the universe what we want more of by where we place our focus. And because we live in a loving universe that always gives us what we ask for, if we ask for pain we get pain; if we ask for joy, we get joy. I think what can be challenging to understand however, is how we ask for these. Saying to yourself, "I want more joy" isn't how it works exactly. And who would intentionally ask to suffer? The way I see it is this: when you look at yourself in the mirror do you see a beautiful human being or do you see imperfections that make you cringe? When you see your child's toys strewn around the room do you see a mess or do you see a child who has been playing, lost in imagination? When you pay your bills each month do you see your checkbook being depleted or do you feel grateful for all the food that you were able to purchase and the heat for your home? You can play at being the victim or you can empower yourself, either way you're setting yourself up for what you want to create more of: more dissatisfaction and anger, or more joy and fulfillment. We are, in fact, very powerful creators and because of that we steer our own ship. Our world is changing. How do you want it to go? You are not powerless. By being a witness to your own thoughts, words, actions, and intentions - personally and globally - you can create a life and a world that is a joy to live in. And that, my friends, is heaven on earth! In love and light, Deborah
January 2025