Have you ever thought about how amazing the human body is? Honestly, it’s mindboggling.
One of the really cool things I admire about the human body is that it gives us information. Sometimes I think we humans look at our bodies like they’re something we have to endure. But truly, we couldn’t be alive on this planet without it and no matter what our body looks like, we really should be honoring and listening to what it has to tell us. For instance, excess weight can be an indication that the body is out of balance.
Are you drinking your eight glasses of water a day? I am, so if you’re looking for me, you’ll likely find me in the bathroom. Sort of just kidding.
But still, each day I fill my liter carafe, drink the water and repeat. Day after day. I try to drink three carafes, but generally it’s more like two and half. It’s roughly the equivalent of a small pond or eight - ten 8 oz glasses. Why do I do this? Lately I've been thinking about how I want to move forward and it seems I have lots of ideas. But when I start to take action, I find I’m talking myself out of the idea that just moments before was really exciting. Does this happen to you?
This is when I remind myself it’s time to go within and find what I'm holding onto that’s bringing up these self-sabotaging thoughts. There’s always something hanging out in my subconscious that holds the answer. For me, and for a great many of us, it’s a fear of thinking we’re not enough. I’ve found over time that a combination of meditative exploration and writing have helped me dig deep to reveal those little, albeit loud and sometimes brash, voices hanging out in my subconscious mind. How did they get in there? Happy New Year!
Did you have a new year’s resolution this year? I didn’t. There’s a reason for that. I never seem to be able to keep them. I remember one year when I was a teenager, I resolved to stop biting my fingernails. I bit them down to the quick with great ferocity. My mother would bribe me to stop. Once when I needed a new pair of nylon stockings, she told me I could have the pair she had gotten me as a birthday gift if I promised to stop biting my fingernails. “Okay” I said. I got the stockings, but couldn’t stop biting my fingernails. |
January 2025