May has been a full month for me. I feel as though I have hardly had time to sit and catch my breath.
I'm not the type of person who enjoys staying busy for extended periods of time, which is probably why I've chosen a career that allows me to set my own schedule and plan plenty of downtime. How about you? Are you someone who tends to stay busy? Do you enjoy it? I used to think taking downtime was being lazy and staying busy was what I was supposed to do. But I don't feel that way anymore. I find if I stay too busy, I get frazzled and quite frankly, when that happens, nobody wins. Even the cats suffer. So now I try to schedule downtime; time to read, journal, work with my SoulCollage(R) cards, garden, or just sit and pat the cats. It's important. Don't think for a moment, however, that those voices of perfection in my head don't let me know that I'm wasting valuable time. They are very present. However, I've determined that they'll just have to get used to the idea. I simply tell them it's okay, there's enough time to get everything done that needs to get done. They quiet down because they know it's the truth. Sometimes being busy is fun and has its rewards, but it can also be a burden we place on ourselves. If you feel you don't find time to just be, invite yourself to a sit-down where you can explore the part of you that feels the need to constantly do. Does it argue with you? Does it feel threatened as though you're about to abandon it? Let this part of you know that you love it and that perhaps it too needs some downtime. Be curious. We don't need to DO all the time, but we do need to BE. If you're someone who is busy and doesn't enjoy it, can you shift gears? I'd love to hear from you about this topic. How do you manage your time? What are your days like and do you feel the need to be constantly doing things or are you able to relax and take life as it comes? Have you always been this way? We're all different, there is no right or wrong - please share our experience. In love and light, Deborah
January 2025