Can I just say how tired I am of all the claims that we are bombarded with on a daily basis? Claims about how we HAVE to do this, that, and the other thing? One day we're told that we need to eat this food for longevity, or another food for a good night's sleep. Or what about the claim that drinking a certain beverage - fill in your favorite 3 or 4 - will cure your digestive upset. Argh! For so long I thought the answer to my latest concern, health problem, or how to live a happy life would be found in these claims. I would diligently read the article or watch the video with the anticipation of someone finally having the answer to my prayers. After all, the headlines really spoke to me.
Are you someone who gets sucked into these bottomless pits of pseudo-information as well? Do you think that someone 'out there' really knows you better than you know yourself? Don't be fooled. If other people had all our answers, we would have been cured of everything long ago! The good news is that by doing the hard, but exciting work of digging into our own inner wisdom, we can find out exactly what we need to know for our own healing. And sometimes it's actually pretty straightforward, but alas, other times not so much. But you'll never know until you try. There are people who truly do care about your best interest, and in all truth, the process they're offering you might have worked beautifully for them, but they're not you.The truth is, life isn't really all that complicated, but it can be challenging or full of opportunity depending on how you view things. We want to believe that someone else can do the work for us, that the answer lies in a magazine article or a claim in the most recent YouTube video. These might provide leads or temporary relief (or entertainment), but do they help you get you to the root of your concern? For instance, do they cause you to ask what you're not facing or accepting in yourself? Where do you need to go within and pull out what's asking to be seen and heard? What belief are you holding onto that needs to be let go of? When we realize that often times illness is a manifestation of energy blocks deriving from unprocessed emotions, that can help us take the step toward healing. The greatest truth of all time is: You have been given opportunities for growth and the answers are within you. This is why a medication, supplements, or food that works great for one person, may be ineffective for you. The digestive issues, weight gain (or loss), or illness has manifested itself from a set of circumstances that are unique to you, so your processing of them is going to be unique. This is life. This is how we grow. We go inside to find the answers that we already have to solve the problems that lie before us. You are the one who holds your answers. No one knows you better than you. Blessings, Deborah
January 2025