The other day, after watching A Man Called Otto, my sister and I were talking about Tom Hanks and some of the films he’s been in. We both thought Apollo 13 was a good movie. My sister commented that she was sad for that one astronaut in the movie who got sick because he held his pee. Me, not remembering that part, asked why he had to hold his pee and she couldn’t remember. So I googled it and it turns out that Houston had told the astronauts they couldn’t dump their pee because they were concerned it could move the craft onto a different trajectory. Can you imagine, a small condom filled with pee tossed into space shifting the trajectory of a spacecraft? If that’s true, then think how small things, and I suppose a condom is one example, can change the trajectory of a life? The possibilities are endless. What if one day instead of making a snarky remark, you just didn’t? Or instead of saying something judgmental, you decide to catch yourself and reframe the thought before saying anything. Small movements can change your trajectory. If each day, we found one thing that we could do differently imagine the possibilities. More than anything, I want to be a part of helping humanity move into Oneness. That place where there is no separation, no us and them, no division. In order for humanity to live from that place, we each need to do our part. But it can be daunting if we think we need to do it all today. A woman recently shared with me that when she first started walking, she told herself she only had to go outside and walk for five minutes. Then once she got outside, she realized she had done the hard part and would walk another five or ten minutes until eventually she was walking for thirty minutes. But she had to take that first step. That changed her trajectory. Let’s say you want to write a book. If you’re not inclined to sit and write, then writing a book is probably not going to happen. But if you start writing a few paragraphs, that may lead to a page or two which then may be enough to demonstrate to you ‘oh, yeah, this is fun, I think I might like to take a writing class,’ and off you go. You’ve changed your trajectory. The same is true with our thoughts, words, and actions. Being consciously aware of them takes practice, but just think of the places you can go when you change your trajectory. It starts with a thought and moves into an action. What’s one thing you can do today that will change your trajectory? You can read about the Apollo 13 mission and the whole pee thing here.
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January 2025