I woke up the other night thinking about the body and how amazing it is. I mean, it’s so incredibly amazing that we don’t even know all the details of how it works. I love how we’re constantly learning new things about it. And yet, we try to control and manipulate it. I love it when I start thinking about the magnificence of the body. How, from one egg and one sperm, a body knows how to grow into form with an innate intelligence and the ability survive on planet earth. It’s a mind-blowing concept that we, at least I, can’t fully wrap my head around.
And for me, that’s the beauty of it - to be in this amazing body that’s a home to my spirit so it can have experiences in order to grow and evolve. How can I control or manipulate a body that is this magnificent? I can’t and you can’t either. It’s a fool’s errand. What we can do though, is be in relationship with our body. To see it for its magnificence and learn to honor and respect it. I mean, you can’t do what it can do. It’s way smarter than you are, so why not try to learn from it. The body doesn’t function from an ego, its ability to function comes from a much higher energy, an energy that we can tap into. Understanding the body as energy can also boggle the mind, but it’s a place to start and we can learn to be in relationship with the body from this place. When we see the body as an energetic intelligence, we can shift our experience with it, seeing it in its full beauty. We can see it as a temple of love. I used to think I could control how much my body weighed and what it looked like, but in the context of seeing the body as its own form of intelligence, my thinking I could control it is laughable. I can’t control it. BUT, I can be in relationship with it. I can communicate with it. Did you know your cells are always listening to you? Our thoughts are energy and our cells are energy so in that context it makes sense that your thoughts act like instructions to the cells. Working with the body, being in relationship with it, is like any other relationship we may have. It takes mutual respect, conversation, patience, understanding, and love. The body is constantly choosing harmony and balance. When it is misaligned and out of balance, instead of trying to beat the body into submission by hating it or trying to control it, you can ask this question: Dear body, how can I best support you? And, with the patience you’d give a loved one, listen to what she has to tell you.
January 2025